
Taqdeer (Bengaliতাকদীর) is a thriller television series directed by Syed Ahmed Shawki, started streaming on the Bengali OTT platform hoichoi from 18 December 2020. Hoichoi announced their upcoming twenty-five web series, Taqdeer is one of them, Based on Bangladesh, the series features Chanchal Chowdhury, Manoj Kumar Pramanik, Sanjida Preeti and Shohel Mondol in the lead roles.Taqdeer (Bengaliতাকদীর) is a thriller television series directed by Syed Ahmed Shawki, started streaming on the Bengali OTT platform hoichoi from 18 December 2020. Hoichoi announced their upcoming twenty-five web series, Taqdeer is one of them, Based on Bangladesh, the series features Chanchal Chowdhury, Manoj Kumar Pramanik, Sanjida Preeti and Shohel Mondol in the lead roles.Taqdeer (Bengaliতাকদীর) is a thriller television series directed by Syed Ahmed Shawki, started streaming on the Bengali OTT platform hoichoi from 18 December 2020. Hoichoi announced their upcoming twenty-five web series, Taqdeer is one of them, Based on Bangladesh, the series features Chanchal Chowdhury, Manoj Kumar Pramanik, Sanjida Preeti and Shohel Mondol in the lead roles.Taqdeer (Bengaliতাকদীর) is a thriller television series directed by Syed Ahmed Shawki, started streaming on the Bengali OTT platform hoichoi from 18 December 2020. Hoichoi announced their upcoming twenty-five web series, Taqdeer is one of them, Based on Bangladesh, the series features Chanchal Chowdhury, Manoj Kumar Pramanik, Sanjida Preeti and Shohel Mondol in the lead roles.Taqdeer (Bengaliতাকদীর) is a thriller television series directed by Syed Ahmed Shawki, started streaming on the Bengali OTT platform hoichoi from 18 December 2020. Hoichoi announced their upcoming twenty-five web series, Taqdeer is one of them, Based on Bangladesh, the series features Chanchal Chowdhury, Manoj Kumar Pramanik, Sanjida Preeti and Shohel Mondol in the lead roles.


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