Though the shooting of Bir was scheduled to begin on 2019 January 10, the shooting of the film was halted due to the illness of director Kazi Hayat. Subsequently, On 15 July, Muhurat of the film was held at the Shruti Studio in Dhaka. Then, on the same day, the official filming of the film began at BFDC. The first phase depicts scenes of Shakib Khan and his friend’s childhood and father, three days drawn till July 18. Shakib Khan’s character name is Antu and his friend’s character is Miran.After that, the lead actor of the film Shakib Khan was out of the shooting for almost one and a half month to create the perfect look for the movie. After this, again the filming of it gets stuck. Later, he participated in the second phase of filming in Pubail at Dhaka on November 28 of this year.Then, on December 2, Shabnom Bubly participated in the filming. The second phase of filming participated Shakib Khan, Shabnom Bubly, Misha Sawdagor and other artists.Later, on December 7, filming of the climax and action scene began.Bir full Movie Download In Bangla.On 2019 December 25 Shakib Khan was admitted to the LabAid Hospital in Dhaka due to cold fever and gastric problems, then the film was stopped.The film was complete with patchwork on January 26, 2020.Bir 2020 Download.